ADDPHN32.ZIP 370,787 11-03-92 AddPhone Version 3.2 is the BEST address &phone directory program available for homeor business. It can be used by any level ofcomputer user to create address books andprint them in a variety of popular formats. On a laser printer, your address book lookslike it was typset. AddPhone is also aflexible database application - powerfulenough to become a vital tool in yourbusiness. Also prints address labels,
AM300.ZIP 192,321 11-03-92 AMPLE NOTICE v3.00 <ASP> - Unusuallyflexible appointments calendar\alarm clocksoftware. Variety of options for viewing,printing, sorting and archiving theappointment file. Lets you group entries byuser or category. New in version 3: mousesupport, better help and menus, etc. NewestFile in Archive: July, 1993
AMORT11A.ZIP 240,745 08-15-92 AmoritzeIt! v1.1s <ASP> - File 1 of 2 -powerful, yet *VERY* easy to use loanprogram. Just fill in the blanks. 8payment periods. Adjust rates and/orpayments. Allows EXTRA random payments. Unique Summary Window summarizes to anypayment date. features. 8/92bug fix & New Address-Pine Grove Software
AMORT11B.ZIP 5,908 08-15-92 AmoritzeIt! v1.1s <ASP> - File 2 of 2 -POWERFUL, yet *VERY* easy to use loanprogram. Just fill in the blanks. Thisfile contains a list features. AMORT11A.zipcontains executibles & docs. 8/92 bug fix &New Address-Pine Grove Software
ANGEL15.ZIP 102,627 09-04-92 ANGELIB v1.5 Library of PDS 7.1 routines fordeveloping business applications. Scrollable information window, fileselection window, soft font selection anddownloading, etc. Newest File in Archive:September, 1992
ASP5401.ZIP 376,653 06-01-92 Official master catalog of shareware prodproducts published by members of theAssociation of Shareware Professionals (ASP)and available on BBSs. Describes eachproduct and in many cases identifies aspecific BBS where you can download it. Products grouped by subject andcross-referenced to authors' addresses. (See corresponding UPDxxxx.ZIP update file,too.)
ASP5601.ZIP 438,807 08-01-92 Official master catalog of sharewareproducts published by members of theAssociation of Shareware Professionals (ASP)and available on BBSs. Describes eachproduct and in many cases identifies aspecific BBS where you can download it. Products grouped by subject andcross-referenced to authors' addresses. (See corresponding UPDxxxx.ZIP update file,too.)
ASP5703.ZIP 452,341 09-03-92 Official master catalog of sharewareproducts published by members of theAssociation of Shareware Professionals (ASP)and available on BBSs. Describes eachproduct and in many cases identifies aspecific BBS where you can download it. Products grouped by subject andcross-referenced to authors' addresses. (See corresponding UPDxxxx.ZIP update file,too.)
ASPBBS.ZIP 23,089 01-02-92 ASP BBS membership application form.
ASPCAT.ZIP 402,153 07-17-92 Official master catalog of sharewareproducts published by members of theAssociation of Shareware Professionals (ASP)and available on BBSs. Describes eachproduct and in many cases identifies aspecific BBS where you can download it. Products grouped by subject andcross-referenced to authors' addresses. (See corresponding UPDxxxx.ZIP update file,too.)
AUTOK20.ZIP 115,686 10-05-92 AutoKey v2.0 <ASP> - A Windows auto-saveprogram. AutoKey periodically sends anymenu command or keystroke to other Windowsprograms. It comes set up to send File/Saveto many popular Windows apps, at intervalsmeasured in time, keystrokes and mouseclicks. AutoKey is nearly invisible, with anumber of streamlining options to keep itout of your way while it backs up your work. From Simple Software. $20.00 Newest File in
AUTOR11.ZIP 21,959 07-03-92 Auto Restore for Patri-Soft's Stowaway! ARis a TSR that automatically restoresarchived files. Program requires Stowaway1.9 or greater.
A_C100.ZIP 149,158 09-28-92 AeroChart is an aerobic exercise logbook andgraphing program. No traditional diarymethod can provide so many different ways ofreviewing your progress without forcing youto do the plotting and charting. Supportsgroups. Calculates aerobic pts and caloriesexpended for 45+ activities. Add your ownexercises, routines, and strategies. NewestFile in Archive: September, 1992
BGROUN.ZIP 125,047 08-04-92 Battle Ground MVP Software (ASP) It's the USvs Germany in this two-player graphics WWIIground combat game. Choose from over 30different battle fields. This game playslike Risk or other great strategy war games. Req CGA.
BJ_230.ZIP 172,941 07-01-92 Blackjack, look no more <ASP> If you arelooking for the finest way to learnBlackjack, look no more... you have foundit! BlackJack! is an accurate simulationof the game Blackjack (21) as played inAmerican and foreign casinos. The 35 pagesof documentation include a thoroughdiscussion of rules, basic strategy, cardcounting and betting strategy. Splitting,doubling-down, insurance and
BKSN11.ZIP 49,002 08-06-92 Back Soon! v1.1 [ASP] Message-taking/Screensaving utility. Displays scrolling message(out to lunch, back in 5, etc.) on yourmoni- tor. Visitors can leave a message foryou which you can later retrieve, print, orsave to disk. Automatically stamps messagesleft with date/time. Shareware from Tay-JeeSoft- ware. screen save utility asp messagehome business Tay-Jee
BOOKBK12.ZIP 279,045 08-01-92 The Book Bank v1.2 - manages your bookcollection. <ASP>.
BOOKBLD.ZIP 146,788 11-27-92 BOOKBILD 1.0 for WordPerfect 5.1 (DOS) <ASP>A macro package for WordPerfect that buildspamphlets from formatted text files. Anytwo-across format can be used, in eitherportrait or landscape mode. Pages arerearranged into the order needed to createcamera-ready copy for bulk printing. ByJerry Stern, author of Graphcat 2.1.
BWARS10.ZIP 135,331 11-19-92 BLIND WARS v1.0 Requires EGA/VGA & MouseBlind Wars is a strategy war game where theobject is to conquer all the cities on thegame board. In this sequel to SoleauSoftware's Isle Wars, the task becomes quitechallenging because you cannot see thestrength of the opposing armies. It playslike 'Risk' yet adds elements such asproduction centers, volcanic eruptions,floods, and much more! Options include,
CADET_1.ZIP 195,278 11-27-92 Integrated spell checker includes a 112,000+word dictionary. Edits up to 2000 lines. Also edits ASCII text files from eitheruchas AutoCAD or DOS. Other text utilitiesincluded. ASP shareware.nd- paste, and theability to change text style, height, andcase. Creates and edits both notes and texttables. Imports and exports text. Wordwraps, reformats, deletes and inserts linesin both new and existing drawing text.
CADET_2.ZIP 266,227 11-27-92 Integrated spell checker includes a 112,000+word dictionary. Edits up to 2000 lines. Also edits ASCII text files from eitheruchas AutoCAD or DOS. Other text utilitiesincluded. ASP shareware.nd- paste, and theability to change text style, height, andcase. Creates and edits both notes and texttables. Imports and exports text. Wordwraps, reformats, deletes and inserts linesin both new and existing drawing text.
CMASTE20.ZIP 209,472 10-04-92 CHECKMASTER v2.00 <ASP> - Easy to use andpowerful checkbook management system. Idealfor the home or office. The program has anelegant blend of power and sophistication,while maintaining a style and ease thatallows the novice to master the program in1/2 hour or less. Menu driven. You'll loveit. Registr $19 - From One Command SoftwareNewest File in Archive: October, 1992
DAYMSTR4.ZIP 305,016 10-16-92 DayMaster 4.00 Program gives you dailyhistorical events, births, anniversaries, aquote and your own reminders. ASP
DCVIEW10.ZIP 176,527 10-24-92 ColorView v. 1.0 for DOS 2.x, 3.x, 5.x HighSpeed JPEG/JFIF, GIF, BMP Viewer. JPEG Is AHighly Compressed 24 Bit "True Color"Picture File Format Which Has More ColorsAnd A Smaller File Size Than GIF Files. HSVand Gamma correction. [ASP]
DIMA30.ZIP 291,070 10-15-92 DIMANAGE 3.0 <ASP> - A no-nonsense programfor managing rental properties. (IBM) Fast,menu driven, context-sensitive help, eightreports. Post rent with only a fewkeystrokes per tenant. Pop-up tenant listshows at a glance who owes rent. Shareware,D I Management Corp. Registration $99.00plus $5.00 S&H. (Upgrade as of 11/15/92)
DI_KNET.ZIP 216,849 11-03-92 DI$KNet Magazine - PC = ProfitableComputing. Monthly guide to start/grow yourown business with help from your PC. With"Pass The Buck" Rebate Program. Improveyour bottom line now! Hypertextw/TSR/non-TSR viewer. Keyboard orMouse-driven. Complete hypertext docs. Incl. config.& print utilities. PREMIERISSUE !! DM1092.EXE=LHA SFX file. Auto-Install. [ASP] Newest File in Archive:
DPERF17.ZIP 229,752 05-10-92 dPerfect Merge converts xBsae files <ASP>Converts xBase compatible data base files(dBase III, Fox, Clipper, etc.) toWordPerfect secondary merge files for mailmerge applications. Features record andfield selection and record sorting. Printssummary sheets. Creates setup files toautomate the conversion. Single- ormulti-user. American or European dateformats. Converts European
DTSRCH.ZIP 302,538 05-25-92 dtSearch 1.12: Text searches on WordPerfect,WordStar, Word, Multimate, RTF and ASCIIdocuments. Can perform indexed andunindexed searches (up to 15,000 documentsper index); boolean, phrase, proximity, andsegment searches; network support; built-inclipboard with editor; application"launcher". ASP Shareware ($59). NewestFile in Archive: May, 1992
EDDY.ZIP 211,114 07-01-92 EDDY lets you do ANYTHING with files,directories and disks! EDDY is ALL ofthese... Full-screen directory editor /manager; Sector editor / RAM editor / DOSshell; File finder / viewer / patcher /comparer; String finder/replacer (hexand/or ASCII); File backup and datarecovery utility; ...and MUCH more! A.S.P. shareware. Newest File in Archive: July,1992
ENVI_102.ZIP 23,852 07-31-92 ENVI-MAN v1.02: An Environment utility:small assembly language routine withoptional display of environment strings &data such as location, size & spaceavailable of the Master environment; batchfile environment space test providesgraceful exit if there is not enough. r07/31/92Micrometric <<ASP>>
FAPRO10A.ZIP 220,158 10-15-92 FAPRO v1.0 <ASP> - Fixed Asset Pro is acomprehensive fixed asset management system. Using pull down menus the program calculatesdepreciation on multiple bases, applies taxlimits, performs projections and comparisonsand prints reports to screen,printer orfile. Provides 38 U.S. Tax lawdepreciation methods with on-line help. Registration $79.95 Mouse support. Manualincludes a tutorial.
FAPRO10B.ZIP 218,297 11-27-92 FAPRO v1.0 <ASP> - Fixed Asset Pro is acomprehensive fixed asset management system. Using pull down menus the program calculatesdepreciation on multiple bases, applies taxlimits, performs projections and comparisonsand prints reports to screen,printer orfile. Provides 38 U.S. Tax lawdepreciation methods with on-line help. Registration $79.95 Mouse support. Manualincludes a tutorial.
FDRA225A.ZIP 118,848 04-18-92 FLODRAW v2.25 <ASP> Program Files - Disk 1of 2. A diagramming program for flowchartsand schematics. Menu driven, help screens,tutorial. Includes symbol libraries, orcreate your own. Auto line drawing, UNDO,convert to PCX format. Requires CGA, 512k. Printers: Epson, ProPrinter, HP LJ II &DeskJet. No mouse support yet. $37.50Version 2.25 corrects v2.2 print problems.
FDRA225B.ZIP 142,575 04-18-92 FLODRAW v2.25 <ASP> Library anddocumentation files - disk 2 of 2. FLODRAWUser Manual. Libraries for electricschematics, logic diagrams, and others. Library utility for building libraries. Utility to convert FLODRAW files to PCXformat files.
FILE_424.ZIP 71,282 07-31-92 FILE-MAN v4.24: Menu driven disk filemanager utility; single file/groups quicklymarked, acted upon; copy, move, spawn,append, erase, rename, change attributestatus, display, print and locate; contextsensitive help, macro procedures, diskettelabels, more++. r07/31/92Micrometric <<ASP>>
GCATWP21.ZIP 144,321 11-27-92 GRAPHCAT 2.1 for WordPerfect 5.1 (DOS) <ASP>A macro package for WordPerfect that createspictorial catalogs of clip art. Any graphicformat readable by WP can be read byGraphcat, and set up in columns as apictorial catalog. Also creates mergablelistings of graphics file names. Requires6/90 release, or newer, of WP5.1.
GSTR10.ZIP 287,607 11-27-92 A menu-driven program which stores roster,participation, Unit offices, Achievementsearned. Produces Girl and Leader rosters,and a roster of Former Members, 3 type ofmailing labels, an individual record, askills listing report and an HONORS listingfor your next CoH.
HIFI200A.ZIP 302,206 08-06-92 HI, FINANCE! v2.0 <ASP> - Disk 1 of 2 -Windows 3.x Financial planning & calculationtool. Iconic, menu, and button barinterfaces. Financial calculator, loancalculation & amortization, personalfinancial planner, investment analysis, andmore. Automatic charts and tables. FromBrightridge Solutions, Inc. Registration$59.
HIFI200B.ZIP 349,600 08-06-92 HI, FINANCE! v2.0 <ASP> - Disk 2 of 2 -Windows 3.x Financial Planning & Calculation
HIFI209A.ZIP 302,479 10-01-92 HI, FINANCE! v2.09 <ASP> - Disk 1 of 2 -Windows 3.x Financial planning & calculationtool. Iconic, menu, button bar interfaces. Financial calculator, loan calculation &amortization, personal financial planner,investment analysis. Automatic charts andtables. More Bug fixes. From BrightridgeSolutions, Inc. Registration $59. NewestFile in Archive: September, 1992
HIFI209B.ZIP 349,921 10-01-92 HI, FINANCE! v2.09 <ASP> - Disk 2 of 2 -Windows 3.x Financial Planning & Calculationtool. Iconic, menu, button bar interfaces. Financial calculator, loan calculation &amortization, personal financial planner,investment analysis. Automatic charts andtables. More Bug fixes. From BrightridgeSolutions, Inc. Registration $59. NewestFile in Archive: September, 1992
HOLD10.ZIP 92,177 10-02-92 HOLD-ANYTHING! v1.0 <ASP> - An extremelyeasy to use program which keeps track ofjust about anything! No database setup isrequired - just start entering your data! AGREAT multi-purpose database program with aslick interface. A mouse is fullysupported. Records are quickly located bytyping the first few letters of an item'sname. Holds multiple lists. Elk CreekSoftware. A $19.00 bargain! Newest File in
HOME20.ZIP 99,584 10-01-92 HOME PLAN v2.0 <ASP> - Draw,Save,Edit,Printhouse plans. Undo of last action. Showstuds & joists. Auto Dimensioning. Insertpre-drawn furniture & appliances. Calculatesquare ft. Print actual screen size or 1/8"per ft. Adjustable cursor speed. Deleteuser defined areas. Select line style. Onscreen'odometer' shows horiz & vertmeasurments. View/delete drawing elements. Needs VGA, HPLaser or 9/24 pin dot matrix or
IRDR10.ZIP 164,279 11-27-92 The Illustrated Reader is a text file readerthat supports full-color illustrations. Canfunction as a regular text file reader, butis specially designed to display illustratedtext files. Users can easily createillustrated electronic documents by using aword processor, or text editor and a paintprogram that supports .PCX files. Fullon-line, illustrated documentation provided. Requires EGA or VGA graphics. A hard disk
ISE111.ZIP 329,359 08-30-92 THE INTEGRAL SCIENTIST v1.11 <ASP> - AnInformation Utility for Scientist. Includesa periodic table element database with 5screens of information per element, 450 unitconversion calculator, chemical solutionscalculator, dilutions calculator, molecularweight calculator, solvents database, usercustomizable indexed data viewer, flashcarddrill function, context
I_M131.ZIP 298,643 11-13-92 Integrity Master 1.31a: Anti-virus / dataintegrity system. Complete, easy to use,protection for your PC.
JEEPRS25.ZIP 253,531 10-01-92 JEPRS v2.57 <ASP> - Jeepers is a completebibliographic database management system. Jeepers can produce WordPerfect 5.x andPC-Write compatible output files (includingboldface, italics, underlining, super- andsub-scripts). Also reads word processorfiles and *automatically* generates abibliography. User-definable format styles! Can format with boldface, italics, etc. From Louis M. Miranda - $49.95 Newest File
JRCHIVE.ZIP 86,469 05-31-92 JRCHIVE 1.01 <ASP> - JRchive is a programfor compressing and storing files in anarchive. It has a "concatenated archive"option that puts the files in the archivefirst, then compresses it for bettercompression ratios. Archives and the fileextraction program may be distributedwithout royalty and you may also createroyalty-free self-extracting archives - Forall IBM PCs and compatibles. From JAYAR
LAST20.ZIP 91,205 08-01-92 LAST v2.0 <ASP> - Enables you to review andresume the last work you've done withouthaving to remember filenames anddirectories. It quickly searches your diskfor the files that you updated mostrecently, and displays them in filedateorder. Its repertoire includes a fileviewer/file finder, disk manager/DOS shell,program launcher, high speed text searchfunctions, and file sorter.
LOTTOF.ZIP 101,148 10-01-92 FLOTTO v4.0 <ASP> - THE FAST LOTTERYPROGRAM! Play any Pick 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7lottery game. Powerful Wheeling up to 50numbers - Complete & ready made minimum winwheels. Does Random & Filtered Quick Picks. Calculates all odds. Track winning ticketsfor number occurances. Winning ticket speedsearch. Mouse aware. Online HELP. PCLight, Inc. Registration $29 Newest File inArchive: October, 1992
LTRWIN20.ZIP 169,381 11-27-92 LETTERHEAD KIT 2.0-Windows version <ASP> Amacro package for WordPerfect for Windows,version 5.1, by Jerry Stern, author ofGraphcat 2.1. Retrieves a letterhead, faxcover sheet, or invoice, and adds any of 30graphic messages, like "Rush!" or "OK topay" or a scanned signature. Requires 4/92release, or newer, of WP/Win.
MAPIT10A.ZIP 276,542 09-30-92 MAPIT c1.0 <ASP> - Disk 1 of 2 A user-extensible world map of the detail normallyfound only in mainframe databases. Scientist or salesman, MAPIT enables you toresearch, analyze, organize, record, track,reproduce, and communicate your graphics andtext data and concepts in pictures as wellas words. A powerful vector-based referencetool, MAPIT contains a wealth of
MAPIT10B.ZIP 302,464 09-11-92 MAPIT c1.0 <ASP> - Disk 2 of 2 Use smallprivate database to distribute yourgraphical and textual data. Line & figureinsertion to within 200 ft. World DBsupports zoom of 750. Seven extensiblescalable Stroked Text faces. Screen-sizedHidden Texts collapse to small markers. 6Kint'l & 20K US cities, 1990 pops. Coasts,lakes, rivers, canals, reefs, salt- flats,nat'l & US/Canadian state
MBACK20.ZIP 222,362 10-14-92 MegaBack version 2.0 from Patriquin - AGREAT backup program designed to make yourbackups quick and easy! This new version ofMegaBack is 25% faster! MegaBack has point& shoot exclude, interruptable full backup,data compression, full/incremental backups,EASY restore and more! Great compliment fortape or notebook backup. Very professional!
MENU_124.ZIP 47,416 07-31-92 MENU-MAN v1.24: Utility to display userselection menus from within batch files;command line options with imbedded REM linesfor title & 1-19 menu selection lines;options include user response time limit,positioning, erase, menu sound, more+. r07/31/92Micrometric <<ASP>>
MYF409.ZIP 344,497 11-27-92 MYF v4.09 <ASP> - MYF is a complete foodmanager designed for food manufacturers,institutional food planners, restaurantmanagers, dietitians, diabetics, and thehome shopper. Its use is easy enough forthe novice, yet comprehensive enough for aprofessional dietitian. MYF will trackcost, protein, carbohydrates, fat, calories,cholesterol, fatty acids, fiber, vitamins,minerals, food exchanges, and %RDA.
M_MM100.ZIP 110,680 09-28-92 Me & My Metabolism examines basal metabolicrate, assesses total energy expenditure andevaluates eating style. Find your answersto questions like ... Why do I eat the wayI do? How much effort significantly raisesmy activity level? Do I need to dosomething to balance calories eaten withcalories burned? All this and more. NewestFile in Archive: September, 1992
NOTEWR10.ZIP 31,673 11-10-92 NoteWare v1.0 ASP - The Perfect TSR Notepad. Occupies less than 16K. Creates, edits, andretrieves up to 99 screensize notes. Auto-matically saves notes to disk. Captures anytext screen for later review and editing. Features word wrap, text search, ASCII fileloading and saving. "Load high" optionfrees up conventional memory. On-screenhelp.
ODAY229B.ZIP 245,304 04-09-92 DIARY UNICORN ASP JOURNAL OMNIDay 2.29bComputer diary program with many featuresand toggles. Has over 10000 encryptionoptions for diary. Can handle up to 10users at once and has a full featured texteditor. Accepts all major TSR spellcheckers and thesaraus. All world dateformats handled. From Unicorn SoftwareLimited {ASP Member
PCA100.ZIP 101,406 08-10-92 PC ALLOWANCE v1.0 <ASP> - Teach kids thebasics of banking and handling money andautomate their allowance at the same time. Colorful ATM screen, pop-up menus, fullmouse support. Multiple accounts,passwords, memos, checks, account statments. Accrue allowance, make deposits andwithdrawals, earn interest on savings,borrow and repay loans. From John Byrd andSyntonic Software.
PCF.ZIP 191,345 09-30-92 PC-FORTUNE 2.20 <ASP> - PC-Fortune is a"fortune cookie" program that displays afortune at random from its data base of over2,200 fortunes, quotes, sayings, jokes, etc. One liners to screenfulls. A different itemis selected each time until they have allbeen displayed. Registered users get a9,500+ entry database. For all IBM PCs andcompatibles. $24.95 From JAYAR Systems,(416)751-3284. Newest File in Archive:
PCOPY92C.ZIP 111,579 07-01-92 PCOPY version 9.2B from Norm Patriquin PCOPYis a super advanced alternative to the DOSCOPY command. PCOPY will copy only newfiles, files with a certain date, and muchmore! The only way that you will believe itis to see it!
PCS.ZIP 136,994 11-27-92 Professional Capture Systems is acombination of both Windows and DOS programsthat will simplify your screen capturing. The Windows program, WinCapture, allows forthe capturing of a defined area, fullscreen, window, or client area. The capturecan be sent to any combination of theclipboard, printer and disk. The capturecan be saved using the formats BMP, GIF,PCX, PIC, TGA, TIFF, or WPG. WinCapture
PCS20.ZIP 91,970 08-13-92 Power C Shell-IDE for Power C Compiler [ASP]Provides an integrated development environ-ment for Power C by Mix Software. Pull-down menus, help, project management, more.
PS52B.ZIP 103,979 07-01-92 PSEARCH v5.1 from Patri-Soft. This greattext search/file gets better with SEARCH andREPLACE!. PSEARCH is one of the fastesttext search programs available with muchneeded flexibility for YOUR searching! TRYIT! (Asp)
PSP.ZIP 228,615 11-27-92 Paint Shop Pro is a Windows program thatwill display, convert, alter and printimages using the image file formats of TIFF,GIF, TGA, WPG, BMP, PCX, MAC, MSP, IMG, PIC,RAS, RLE, DIB, and JAS. Altering includesresizing, trimming, applying filters,dithering, palette manipulation and muchmore. Paint Shop Pro also does screencapturing.
PTD101.ZIP 153,361 09-30-92 Personalized Training Diary (PTD) 1.01 <ASP>A Sports/Fitness Diary for the enduranceathelete. Besides tracking the basics likedistance, time, pulse rates, users candefine up to 10 categories like weather,route, equipment, and up to 25 attributesunder each like hot, humid, cool underweather. Able to quick scan and do customreports. Can search on any combination offields, categories,
PTD10101.ZIP 257,762 08-17-92 Personalized Training Diary (PTD) 1.01 <ASP>A Sports/Fitness Diary for the enduranceathelete. Besides tracking the basics likedistance, time, pulse rates, users candefine up to 10 categories like weather,route, equipment, and up to 25 attributesunder each like hot, humid, cool underweather. Able to quick scan and do customreports. Can search on any combination offields, categories,
RCCD17.ZIP 246,450 09-09-92 RCCDonor v1.7 <ASP> - A donor, donation, andevent tracking system for nonprofitagencies. Includes mailing list features,and a variety of report formats. DOS 3.3and above, hard drive strongly recommended. Registration of $100 includes printedmanual, extensive support, and a newsletterof tips and ideas for fundraising withRCCDonor.
REXL211A.ZIP 360,742 08-24-92 RExL v2.11 <ASP> Disk 1/2 - EXE's and help. 4GL with dBase database & full indexing, ascreen and forms designer, a folding texteditor, debugger and executable filegenerator. Its own language (like BASIC) isimplemented over a rule based framework. The full screen debugger has step, trace,watch, evaluate, animate & breakpoints. ($75+p&p)
REXL211B.ZIP 359,277 08-24-92 RExL v2.11 <ASP> Disk 2/2 - EXEs/docs/exmpls4GL with dBase database & full indexing, ascreen and forms designer, a folding texteditor, debugger and executable filegenerator. Its own language (like BASIC) isimplemented over a rule based framework. The full screen debugger has step, trace,watch, evaluate, animate & breakpoints. ($75+p&p)
REXXCOLR.ZIP 1,952 09-15-92 Simple Rexx/2 + Ansi file to change OS/2colors at the command line.
ROBIX10.ZIP 92,059 11-19-92 ROBIX v1.0 Requires EGA/VGA Robix is anotherlogic puzzle game from Soleau Software. Theobjective of this pure strategy game is toget your colored blocks to the bottom of thegame board by pushing entire rows eitherleft or right. You can play Robix againstthe computer or a friend. Written inbeautiful EGA/VGA graphics, it is bothaddictive and challenging for all ages!
SB41.ZIP 154,189 09-12-92 SOFF BALLS v4.1 <ASP> - Softball/Baseballrecord-keeping system for up to 100 teams. Tracks batting, pitching, fielding, won/lostrecord, game results, and team standings. You can name additional categories and up to7 game types. Computes statistics forselected games. Menu-driven and very easyto use. From CompuTater Software, $29shareware. Newest File in Archive:September, 1992
SELLMOR1.ZIP 306,946 08-30-92 Sell More Software - Ver 3.0 1 of 3fullfillment and much more to run yoursoftware company. From: ThomasDroege,illing Droege Computing Services, Incthat was recently reviewed in PC Sourcesmagazine and was named "Nifty product of theMonth" by Data Based Advisor. Marketing,Sales Call List, Direct Mail, Faxtransmittals, Mail Merge, Contact History,Software Support,
SELLMOR2.ZIP 308,296 08-30-92 Sell More Software - Ver 3.0 2 of 3fullfillment and much more to run yoursoftware company. From: ThomasDroege,illing Droege Computing Services, Incthat was recently reviewed in PC Sourcesmagazine and was named "Nifty product of theMonth" by Data Based Advisor. Marketing,Sales Call List, Direct Mail, Faxtransmittals, Mail Merge, Contact History,Software Support,
SELLMOR3.ZIP 238,740 08-30-92 Sell More 3 of 3
SHAREBK1.ZIP 292,340 05-12-92 The ShareWare Book -- First Edition <ASP> AWhole Earth Catalog for software developersTips, tools and techniques for successfulshareware marketing & development. Includesmarket research, publicity, getting paid,distribution, resources, product protection,registration encouragement, trademarks,copyrights, licensing, channel management,business issues, support,
SLV4DOCB.ZIP 94,826 08-15-92 SOLVEIT! v4.2s <ASP> Documentation-Disk 2of 3 - This file contains complete manual &supporting docs for SOLVEIT! v4.2s. SolveIt!, now in its 4th major release, hasbeen answering financial questions since1985. Shareware $90. Release 8/92bug fixesand NEW ADDRESS. Pine Grove Software.
SLV4TXTC.ZIP 21,356 08-15-92 SOLVEIT! v4.2s <ASP> Feature List-Disk 3 of3 - This file contains a detailed featurelist for SOLVEIT! v4.2s. According to anindependent poll of shareware disk vendors,SolveIt! was their 40th best seller in1991. Shareware $90. Release 8/92bug fixesand NEW ADDRESS. Pine Grove Software.
SLVIT42A.ZIP 307,111 08-15-92 SOLVEIT! v4.2s <ASP> Executables-Disk 1 of3 - powerful analytical financialcalculator, yet *VERY* easy to use. NEWYORK TIMES called it "Surprisingly Fast". 32 routines. PV, FV, IRR, NPV,AMORTIZATION, INTEREST DUE, BUDGETs, NETWORTH, ANNUITY, PAYMENT REQUIRED, MORE! documentation. Slv4Txtc.zipfeature list. 8/92bug fix & NewAddress-Pine Grove Software
SND202.ZIP 191,646 08-13-92 oundMasterDb 2.02s The best audio librarianavailable. Handles all audio formats (CD'sCassettes, Albums etc) through its advancedrelational database design. Ninereports,six indexes, lists to screen,printer or disk. Quick search/find, singleor multiple fields. Context sensitive help,online manual, screen saver, pop-upfind/browse window and more. By Lemuel D. Turner <ASP>
STOW191.ZIP 230,718 08-07-92 Stowaway from Patriquin! A true archivalsystem for the PC which frees hard diskspace by moving old or inactive files tofloppy disks. Stowaway features datacompression, auto disk formatting, and EASYrestore!
SUPFNT1.ZIP 238,984 09-01-92 SUPFNT1, a collection of 17 display fontsfor LaserJet or compatible printers. Includes Black Chance, Cooper Black, CursiveElegant, Dom Casual, Hobo, Old English,Revue, Stensil & Zap Chance plus WP & Worddrivers, utility programs, and a tutorial onsoft font. ASP Shareware ($35) SOFT FONTSOFTFONT LASER PRINTER ASP LASERJET ElfringSoft Fonts, V1.1, 8/30/92
TEACH1.ZIP 346,742 11-06-92 TALKING TEACHER for SOUND BOARDS is a neweducational package with REAL HUMAN SPEECHthat teaches children (1-17) how to talk,the alphabet, read, write, spell and use acomputer. You can record your own voice anduse it in this package. You can also changethe spelling words to match your child'sweekly spelling words. Supports SOUNDBLASTER, THUNDER BOARD and compatibles. EGA/VGA required - ASP MEMBER - Part 1 of 2
TEACH2.ZIP 352,320 11-06-92 TALKING TEACHER for SOUND BOARDS is a neweducational package with REAL HUMAN SPEECHthat teaches children (1-17) how to talk,the alphabet, read, write, spell and use acomputer. You can record your own voice anduse it in this package. You can also changethe spelling words to match your child'sweekly spelling words. Supports SOUNDBLASTER, THUNDER BOARD and compatibles. EGA/VGA required - ASP MEMBER - Part 2 of 2
TLCFND11.ZIP 45,139 11-02-92 TLCFnd v1.1 <ASP> - TLCFnd can be used tolocate files by name or by contents. Theprogram can search multiple disks anddirectores for file names which can includewildcards. The text specified in the searchcan be joined in three AND/OR groups. Registration $10 to $25. Documentation andfull support available. Reqires Windows 3.0+
TLCPAK10.ZIP 132,869 10-30-92 TLCPak v1.0 <ASP> - TLCPak can be used as afrontend for PKZip or as a standalone filecompression routine. Compression may beoptimized for speed or size. Allow path andfile date control, encryption, program andfile comments. Registration $10 to $25. Reqires Windows 3.0. Documentation and fullsupport available.
TLDR20.ZIP 267,901 10-01-92 ToolDriver V2.0 <ASP> - A DOS windowenvironment for organizing a softwareproject's files and names. It comes withmenus, mouse support and online help. Usethis to cross reference your softwareproduct. Also use it to change namingconventions. And use it to handle namingdifferences when porting between DOS andother platforms: UNIX, VMS, MVS, etc. FromConVal Software, Inc. $59.95 Newest File in
TMASTE.ZIP 319,183 10-16-92 TASK MASTER v2.4 <ASP> - Easy-to-use projecttracking program. Keep track of officeassignments, correspondence, projects,tasks, and other work - easily. TM providesseveral report options, an appointmentcalendar, popup calculator, automatic statusupdates, and many other features to helpyour office stay organized. Network ready. $39.00. Newest File in Archive: October,1992
TRTR23.ZIP 309,700 11-27-92 A menu-driven program which stores roster,advancement, attendance, participation,Troop/Patrol offices, Merit Badges earned,and training data. Produces Scout andScouter rosters, roster of Former Members, 3type of mailing labels, an indi- vidualrecord, an evaluation of advancementeligibility, an evaluation of OAeligibility, Troop attendance summary, anHONORS listing for your next CoH and a Troop
UPD5401.ZIP 92,249 06-01-92 Monthly update file for the official catalogof the Association of SharewareProfessionals (ASP). Describes each new orupdated product in the last month and tellswhere to find it corresponding ASPxxxx.ZIPfile for the full
UPD5601.ZIP 36,880 08-01-92 Monthly update file for the official catalogof the Association of SharewareProfessionals (ASP). Describes each new orupdated product in the last month and tellswhere to find it corresponding ASPxxxx.ZIPfile for the full
UPD5703.ZIP 43,917 09-03-92 Monthly update file for the official catalogof the Association of SharewareProfessionals (ASP). Describes each new orupdated product in the last month and tellswhere to find it corresponding ASPxxxx.ZIPfile for the full
VMAP120.ZIP 343,333 09-01-92 VERSAMAP v1.20 <ASP> - Draws outline maps onmany map projections. Maps may be printedon dot matrix or laser printers, or exportedas PCX, PIC, CGM, or ASCII files. Maps maybe annotated with Courier or Helveticafonts. A digital map database is suppliedwith the program. V1.20 can save map designfor later recall; export maps as CGM files;and import USGS Digital Line Graph .GRFboundary files. Supports CGA, EGA, VGA,
XYSEE30A.ZIP 141,502 11-06-92 XYSee v3.0a <ASP> - High Performance Math! High performance supplement to high school &college level studies in Algebra, Geometry,& Trigonometry. Covers SAT, ACT, & MathPlacement Test material. Intuitive menustructure, comprehensive tutorial, context-sensitive help & statistics. Suitable forhome use without professional supervision.
ZILCH111.ZIP 115,697 03-29-92 The Debt Liquidation Program <ASP> Zichallows computer owners to get in the privacyof there own homes the kind of sophisticateddebt-payment plans offered by professionalscounselors at a fraction of the cost. <ASPApproved Shareware>